Monday 16 June 2008

Fleet Foxes, Audio, Brighton

The music world is hardly starving for want of beardy Americans plying gently psychedelic folk-rock at the moment, but nonetheless, Fleet Foxes arrive in Brighton surfing an unprecedented wave of acclaim. Their eponymous debut album has been garlanded with five-star reviews for its contemplative, olde-worlde atmosphere and surfeit of remarkable vocal harmonies, and the five members would have every right to look enormously pleased with themselves. Indeed, there is every chance that they do: the stage is low, the packed audience standing, while singer Robin Pecknold performs seated. Unless you are in the front row you can't see a thing. The sounds emanating from the stage are amazing - intricately carved vocals, intriguingly opaque songs, shifting instrumentation - but it is impossible to work out how they are doing it.

Initially, there is the fear that Fleet Foxes' music might be too precious to stand performance in a sweltering, concrete nightclub. They open with Sun Giant, a burst of spectral a cappella singing that, like much of their music, hymns an older, simpler, more bucolic existence. The effect is instantaneously spellbinding and transporting; until, alas, the spell is suddenly broken by the sound of someone banging open the door of the gents.

But as it turns out, that is the first and last interruption. You can understand why, not least when a beautifully delicate cover of Judee Sill's Crayon Angels glides into the album's closing track, Oliver James. After one particularly magnificent bit of harmonising, bassist Christian Wargo can briefly be seen above the audience's heads, turning to drummer Joshua Tillman and offering a deeply incongruous high-five. So they do look rather pleased with themselves after all. It is perfectly understandable.

· At the Social, Nottingham, tonight. Box office: 0115-950 5078. Then touring.

See Also